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Out of My Mind – Reviews

A New Beginning
As the dust and soot settled, on absolutely everything, a small, soot-covered figure stumbled out of the fireplace. “He-cough, cough…Hel-cough, cough…Hello, I’m Alfie. Are you Doug Thorsten?”
Doug looked down into large, bright blue eyes, staring out at him from what appeared to be a walking mound of soot, barely as high as his belt buckle. “Yeah,” he mumbled. “That’s me. Doug Thorsten.”
“Great. I was looking for you, Santa needs-”

Consider Putting a Book Under the Tree This Christmas
Consider putting a book under the tree for that reader in your family this Christmas. This Saturday, December 7th, you have the perfect opportunity to…

Mother’s Wrath
I blinked my eyes open. I must have fallen asleep at my desk. My vision cleared and I looked up at the ceiling. Wait a minute! This isn’t my office! This is-
I sat bolt upright in bed. A young-looking, raven haired woman, wearing a form-fitting black blouse and breeches, sat on the foot of my bed, her legs curled under her, luminous green eyes staring intently at me.
“Salem! What are you doing in my bedroom?”
“As I said, I have need of your services.”
“Most of my clients meet me in my office.”
She shrugged. “I am not most of your clients. And you owe me a favour.”
“Not in my bedroom, I don’t.” I pointed towards the door. “Get out. Wait for me in my kitchen. We’ll talk there.”
Salem smiled, revealing sharp pointed teeth, as she unfolded and glided out the door, pulling it closed behind her.
I swung my feet to the floor and quickly dressed, all the while wondering if it was possible to make my bedroom cat proof.

Things Are Getting Rocky
“King Roland wishes your presence immediately. You may accompany us now.”
It was worth a try. “Very well,” I agreed, like I had a choice, getting up and reaching for my sword belt.
“You may leave your sword here. It will not be needed.”
I turned and glared at the soldier who had spoken. “Now we are at an impasse. You want me to go with you, and I am not leaving unarmed. So, what’s it going to be?” Without waiting for an answer, I took down the sword belt and strapped it around my waist. Then I turned back to face them, my broadsword now on my hip, where it belonged.

What a Bloody Mess
“I am Duke Osgood, of the Everbright Duchy, in the Butternut Kingdom. My Daughter, the Lady Caroline, has been abducted. I heard of your exploits from King Thaddeus. Apparently, you rescued his daughter-”
“Princess Rose. Yes, I remember her.”
“Princess Rosalinda,” the Duke corrected, as if I cared.
“Indeed,” I responded. “Yes, that was my first run-in with the dragon Gem and Ni. I remember it well. Your daughter wasn’t kidnapped by a dragon, was she?”
“No. Not a dragon. Caroline was abducted by vampires.”
“Vampires?” I paused a moment, trying to find the right words. But sometimes there was simply no nice way to say something. “Uh, I don’t know how to tell you this. My Lord, but-”
The Duke raised his hands, stopping me from continuing. “I know what you are going to say, but that isn’t the case. It’s… I’d probably better explain from the beginning.”
“That would be best,” I agreed, nodding.

He dropped to his knees and, using a multi-tool from his pack, began digging at the soft ground, using first the knife, then the axe tool. Realizing that the soft patch was larger than he had originally thought, he switched to a compact folding shovel to complete the job. In a short time, he cleared away a space roughly the size of a manhole cover, and found himself looking into a vertical tunnel. Looks like the Horne Lake Caves would have to wait. His curiosity was piqued.

Trouble Squared
“I said, no!” Why can’t people just take a hint?
“But you must help,” Prince Reggie insisted.
“I must? Actually, I’m pretty sure I mustn’t do anything of the kind.” There was no way I was taking on this suicide mission. I rather enjoyed living.
“But it took my Princess,” Reggie begged. “You have to help me get her back.”

My Books and Nature Pictures Now sold at The Cozy Fox
Important Announcement: My books and nature pictures are now being sold at The Cozy Fox, in Selkirk, Manitoba. Drop in and check the place out,…