PartnersbyR. Brian Campbell I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. Motionless. Listening. No sound but my own breathing. I cautiously slid my toes…
As the dust and soot settled, on absolutely everything, a small, soot-covered figure stumbled out of the fireplace. “He-cough, cough…Hel-cough, cough…Hello, I’m Alfie. Are you…
I blinked my eyes open. I must have fallen asleep at my desk. My vision cleared and I looked up at the ceiling. Wait a…
“King Roland wishes your presence immediately. You may accompany us now.” It was worth a try. “Very well,” I agreed, like I had a choice,…
“I am Duke Osgood, of the Everbright Duchy, in the Butternut Kingdom. My Daughter, the Lady Caroline, has been abducted. I heard of your exploits…
He dropped to his knees and, using a multi-tool from his pack, began digging at the soft ground, using first the knife, then the axe…
I pulled the dagger out and unfolded the parchment. If you ever want to see the boy alive again, bring 6000 gold pieces to Fool’s…
“NO!” “Plleeeeeease!” “I said, no!” Why can’t people just take a hint? “But you must help,” Prince Reggie insisted. “I must? Actually, I’m pretty sure…
“Grandpa! Grandpa!” The two fawns came tearing across the meadow. Bambi looked up from munching dandelions and smiled. He always enjoyed it when Didi brought…
To tell the truth, I didn’t want this job, which was what I was attempting to explain to my potential client. But, sometimes you have…