PartnersbyR. Brian Campbell I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. Motionless. Listening. No sound but my own breathing. I cautiously slid my toes…
As the dust and soot settled, on absolutely everything, a small, soot-covered figure stumbled out of the fireplace. “He-cough, cough…Hel-cough, cough…Hello, I’m Alfie. Are you…
Consider putting a book under the tree for that reader in your family this Christmas. This Saturday, December 7th, you have the perfect opportunity to…
I blinked my eyes open. I must have fallen asleep at my desk. My vision cleared and I looked up at the ceiling. Wait a…
“King Roland wishes your presence immediately. You may accompany us now.” It was worth a try. “Very well,” I agreed, like I had a choice,…
“I am Duke Osgood, of the Everbright Duchy, in the Butternut Kingdom. My Daughter, the Lady Caroline, has been abducted. I heard of your exploits…
He dropped to his knees and, using a multi-tool from his pack, began digging at the soft ground, using first the knife, then the axe…
“NO!” “Plleeeeeease!” “I said, no!” Why can’t people just take a hint? “But you must help,” Prince Reggie insisted. “I must? Actually, I’m pretty sure…